An online discussion forum, also known as a message board or discussion board, is a website where people can post and read messages on a particular topic or subject. These forums are often used by groups of people to discuss and share information, opinions, and ideas on a specific topic.

Online discussion forums typically have a central thread or topic where users can post messages, and other users can respond with their own thoughts and comments. The forum may be divided into different sections or categories, such as general discussions, questions and answers, and member profiles.

Some common features of online discussion forums include:

Threaded conversations: Each message is connected to the previous one through a series of numbers or letters, allowing users to follow the conversation and respond to specific points. Replies: Users can reply to individual messages or comments, creating a chain of responses. Messaging system: Users can send private messages to each other, either individually or as a group. Profile management: Users can create their own profiles, including personal information, avatars, and posts. Search function: Users can search for specific topics or keywords within the forum to find relevant information.

Online discussion forums are often used by communities, organizations, and businesses to facilitate communication and collaboration among members. They can also be used for customer support, market research, and other purposes. Some popular examples of online discussion forums include Reddit, Quora, and Stack Overflow.